Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Damn Ma!

I know we have all hard some horrible cheesy pick up lines from men, maybe a cat call or 2!! But OMG there is nothing worse to me than a man trying to “hollar” at me when I’m with my children...We’ll let me take that back, it’s all about how you go about it! There have been sooo many disrespectful men (or should i say boy because  a MAN would never!) come at me while Kayden or Kimara was with me...

This one time my son and i was walking out the store and all i hear is
                         “DAMN MA, you sexy as hell”
If you know me, my looks can kill! It made me stop in my tracks and even Kayden gave him a death stare! My response “Don’t you see my son right here, come at me with some respect!”
Now maybe i didn’t take the right approach especially since it was just me and Kayden but in that moment i did not care. I don’t advise anyone to take this approach either because as we all know the world is crazy and he could have did anything to us! The boy responded with “Damn excuse me it was only a compliment”

Sorry that was not just a compliment and i do not want my son thinking that, that type of behavior is acceptable! There is a time and place for everything and also it’s not always what you say but how you say it! I would have accepted, “you look beautiful, have a good day” ! Never let anyone give you less than what you expect or deserve! If Kayden would have seen me accept that the he would grow up thinking well my momma took it so i guess i can do it! If he ever comes at a woman that way and she accepts it, he will never give her the respect she deserves because right from the jump she is showing she don’t even fully respect herself! When we got into the car Kayden said “he was weird Moma” so right then and there i had to tell him to always respect a woman and especially when they have their children with them!

Same goes for Kimara I’d never want her to see or accept that type of behavior from a man! There was a time when we were together and had back to back disrespect! My response was not the same as when Kayden was with me though because i would not want her to respond in that manner!

So we were walking into the gas station, a dude right in front of us and he did not even hold the door open for us, like it damn near shut in my face (dudes these days have no respect it’s sad smh) Kimara was like well that was rude... This was disrespect numero uno! On the way out the gas station a dude pumping gas starts making call noises like psst psst, and aye ayes at me! My baby was like momma i think he’s talking to you... told her “i hear but i do not answer to that and you better not look his way! And don’t you ever answer to that if a boy is trying to get your attention” .... Guess who comes out and goes to the same car, yup the dust ball who didn’t hold the door for us! Only makes sense the two would be together!!

It all starts at home, I can’t fully blame the mothers but when you know better you do better and As I always say, kids learn from example so it’s vital to be that for them! Funny story before i go! I always make sure Kayden holds the door open for women right, to the point where there have been times he sees a women getting out her car, i done walked off and see him behind me waiting for the women to come lol... Anyway one day we’re leaving the store and he’s holding the door for a lady walking in and she says “it’s ok i got it”... (whenever i hear someone say that i say NO he got it, only because i know men if too many women don’t accept it then they will stop doing it. Trust me I’ve seen it lol) but as we’re walking to the car Kayden said. “Momma why did she say she got it? She must be a tomboy or something” i about died and just told him that shivery is dead and she must have forgot how to accept it lol..

 I know i can’t be the only mother to experience this, please share if you have been in a similar situation and how did you handle it?

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