Monday, March 23, 2020

This 2 week sentence with the kids has really been teaching me patience! I am use to working at home which is usually my quiet time!! Whewww when I tell you i have not heard momma, mommy, mom soooo much, i can’t take it!

I have been working on not showing them that I’m irritated because it’s not their fault we have to be trapped in this house together, so I have just been trying to make the best of it! Every day we try and do a different fun activity! The other night we made yogurt popsicles and home made pizza! This was our second time making homemade pizza and the kids REALLY enjoy it! The popsicles were actually pretty good and healthy

Vanilla yogurt
Fresh fruit of choice
Popsicle maker

The schools are closed until further notice and i don’t really know if they will even go back to school this year! I wanted to try this the other day but didn’t get around to it! Think we will write a short story, I’ll start with the first sentence and then each kid will add too it! I’ll have them draw a picture for each page!

What interesting things have you all done since the kids are home? I need more ideas please share educational, or fun activities that we can do below!! Thanks in advance


Chaketa said...

This was a great topic. I’m a little on the fence about it too. I try to encourage my kids to think and listen to their intuition. They know what’s right and wrong (for the most part). I wish I can dictate friends etc but I also
Understand they have to live their own experiences so they can grow. It’s the thought of loosing control over my kids that bring anxiety. But there is no handbook to parenting. As long as we do our best and communicate the babies will be finešŸ„°

MomOhhMy! said...

Yes it’s a tough one! Trying to allow them to become their own person is hard! It’s like we want to save them from themselves BUT then how will they learn.

Anonymous said...

I saw on Facebook a money game with Monopoly money. I made of list for the kids to do like brush your teeth, makeup the bed, homework,etc every task they complete they get money for. They have to pay for everything, phones, toys, snacks, drinks, etc. ( water is free) lol. We started today and they Love it! Well the youngest openly loves it the older ones thinks it’s stupid but deep down they like it I can tell. Hopefully they won’t ask for food every 5 minutes I’m over having to go to the store in this mess with people who don’t stay 6ft away. But that’s another story lol.

MomOhhMy! said...

Now this is funny! I don’t know if i want to even attempt to try this one haha! Only time i did anything with money where they had to pay for something was an actual lesson on how to keep, maintain and save money... I’m tired of going to the store too though so maybe i can try that with snacks though lol

Anonymous said...

My oldest has changed his mind so many times today. ‘ mom can I have some juice?’ Yup $10.00
‘ Nevermind.’ He told me he’s saving his money but I don’t know what he’s saving it for lol.

MomOhhMy! said...

$10 for juice haha i wouldn’t want it either!! He’s saving for a full course meal!!!