I feel like whenever a women (I could be wrong butttt) has an issue with their child being around another woman it’s usually because there are still feelings there! Or they are still messing around just no title and that is usually when things get messy! Because seriously if you do not have any open feelings for the dad why would you really care? You should be glad he was taken off your hands! I haven’t really seen too many situations where the dad didn’t want the child around a new man but I’m SURE they are out there! I just can’t speak from experience so i won’t touch on that!
However I do feel like each party should want to make sure their new partner will be around for a while take the time to get to know the person! Spend time with them Shawn it’s not your weekend/week with the children! We all know how to prioritize so that the times do not over lap. I never had a issue with my daughters father having women around her BUT I did not and still to this day do not approve of the amount of women she has been around. When a child is young it’s not easy to keep adjusting and adapting to new people especially if they are not the right influence for them! Think about it, if that relationships breaks up, think of the damage it will have on the child. Repeatedly putting the child through that will have a damaging affect on their relationships in the future!
Since I having a daughter I try and make sure whoever I bring into her life will be able to build her up and show her how a women is to be treated by the way he treats me! And for my son the man in his life needs to be someone who can show him how to be a man and also how he should treat a woman! I think parents should always keep this in mind when dating. Rather it be the woman or the mans view! So rushing should never be the option!
I’ve seen it where a parent won’t let the other parent see the kid due to them having a new partner! This goes back to still having feelings or it just plain being BITTER! I can’t even imagine to fix my mouth to say such a thing! In the end all it does is hurt the child! She hates when i call her this but Chantal (Kimaras Ex tep mom) has been in my child’s life since she was little and i never had an issue with it outside of the fact she never combed her hair lol! Her children are boys so i can totally understand her not knowing anything about girls. Yes her and i have discussed this soooo...Heck i still can’t do hair! But that’s neither here nor there, I genuinely know that she loves and cares about my daughter! From what I see and know I can trust her around her with no fear! To this day even though she’s not with my daughters father any more (Good for her! Praise the heavens lol he’s gone kill me) she still stays in contact with us and we have a friendship! No we don’t talk daily but the fact she’s still around means and says a lot!! NO matter what the naysayers may say..
Ok back on track.. y’all know I get lost and go into something else but that last statement just prompted my next blog (babymommas lol coming soon)
I think a good rule of thumb may be discussing your new partner with your children that way it’s not sprung on them! It will give them a chance to open up and think about the situation before being thrown into meeting! ESPECIALLY when you have boys because they are super over protective! Troy and I dated for like 6 months before he met my daughter and then he met Kayden a little later! Kimara is older and can understand, where as Kayden he had never seen me with a man being that me and his father split (title wise) when i was pregnant! He is very over protective and I just didn’t know how he would handle it! It took him quite a while to break and get use to the fact this man was going to be around!
I feel like as long as the person is treating the child right there should be no issues! What do you all think? Please comment below your thoughts or stories on this matter below!! Can’t wait to hear...
Hey girl hey! I’m speaking hypothetically...I won’t dare tell someone how soon is too soon to place themselves back into a relationship because there are so many factors that make that determination and what I or anyone else may think should have no bearings on another individuals idea of “I’m ready”. However, when it comes to the children, I agree that it should be calculated and/or fully considered when you start to bring your new significant other around. Though our children are intelligent, they are vulnerable, impressionable and are paying attention. We have to remember we are our children’s first teachers. Even when the world is showing them something different, they will still look to us first for all things. With that said I agree that having a conversation with our child or children is a great starting point. Furthermore, we need to make sure we are not being selfish or disrespectful towards our children’s feelings and thoughts on the matter. I believe it would be important to display a certain level of maturity or wisdom in regards to the issue.
Most definitely i can’t speak on what an adult does as far as dating! But when it comes to the children meeting that person! I’m totally with you on not being selfish, the child’s needs should always play a factor, keeping them separate as long as needed is great! And the partner should be understanding of that!!
Good evening I was wondering if you had some ideas or tips to keep the children busy while their home during the state of emergency with the coronavirus!
If you have any ideas please HELP!
Work from home Mommy 🤗
Good evening! Not sure if your kids were sent home with homework like mine but i would say set a schedule! Breakfast, work, play time, lunch, nap depending on the age of the child! Since I’m a work from home mommy as well on my lunch i make it a bonding time for us usually whatever they choose. I have 2 at home ages 15 and 7 so you can imagine the different things i do daily lol. Try and give them something to do creative maybe not daily but just something to keep them out of their phones! Also if they didn’t send home any work i would say you can create your own again depending on the age! Hope this helps
Love Allie D's comment- I agree that how soon vs too soon is a personal choice that will vary between families...that being said, I also think men are usually quicker to begin dating than women, as some of us may be reluctant to bring a new partner into our kids lives too quickly.
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