Thursday, February 13, 2020

Experiences Giver

We all want our kids to have the best things, the latest shoes, the nicest clothes. Do those things really hold value or create great genuine people?

I want to give my kids great experiences like traveling to see & experience new things, you know taking them on adventures.

When we were in Florida, we visited Kingsley Plantation.  Where the kids got to see parts of what was left of the houses built by slaves using seashells, sand and water. They were so amazed asking things like "where did they all live, in this one room?" and "Where did they use the restroom?"

They also got to see the boarding dock where the slaves were brought off the boat and onto the plantation. I wish we were able to go inside of the actual Plantation Main House, but it wasn’t allowed.

Never the less, it  was a great experience for the kids.


I'm so grateful my kids get to see so many walks of life, just from my family alone.  We are a large family made up of many Races, Religions, Different Handicaps and Different Orientations.

Growing up around all of these types of people leave no room for judgement, when you are unfamiliar and have not experienced things, it leaves you afraid of the unknown.  When you grow up with diversity and life experience, it creates children who grow up with acceptance and prevents the bullying nature in the next generation.

Kimara's Promise is a non profit that I created and named after my first born daughter, Kimara.

Doing charity work has helped my kids to understand the idea of giving back. It teaches them, that anyone is a bad choice away from being homeless and that everyone needs a hand every now and then. Even to this day, we volunteer our time as much as possible, especially on Holidays.


One week we did something really fun!  We left positive notes in different places, like public restrooms and bus stops that read: "Have a great Day" "Spread Love" "Give a Hug" "Smile, Someone loves you"

Another week we bought small toys, wrapped them with a message inside that matched the toy,  For example, we had block, and the message said "Build the life you want".  (I can't remember the exact words- but something along those lines..#DontJudgeMe)

I let the kids pass them out while I was out running errands.  I wanted to make sure they saw the reaction of the other child when they handed it to them.  They really enjoyed this activity!

What are some of the experiences you have shared with your children or that you plan to experience.


Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! On Sundays we ( my kids and their friends) use to cook something simple and easy maybe spaghetti and corn and take out plates to hand out to the homeless. We should really get back into it. Random times when we pass someone homeless we stop at a gas station, store, or fast food place and buy them gift cards to use somewhere near. When I was 6 or 7 my mom took in ( my now God sister) from foster care. That opened my eyes to so much at a young age, it taught me life is so much more than material things. My God sister was so excited to have new underwear and socks the stuff many people take for granted at a young age. I try my best to instill in my kids what really matters in life.

MomOhhMy! said...

That’s amazing! Giving back is a great eye opener and i feel like everyone should volunteer at least once in their life! I don’t like to put titles on family too much but some of my closes family members are “god” family! I think you should get back to it as well! We need to start doing it more again in my house ! Thank you for sharing ❤️