Friday, February 14, 2020

Turn off mom today

As mothers we are the glue that holds the family together , if we are not sane then the whole house crumbles! Gotta make sure the house is clean, cook dinner, make sure lunches are packed and or paid for, homework is done, making sure everyone feels good etc etc!

We have to be cautious of all the different personalities of the kids, none of them need the same attention or like the same foods or activities! We Have to make sure our time is split evenly between them. The punishments are never the same. It’s just all different lol...

Soon as work is over there is no sitting down, it’s straight to cooking! And everyone in my house eats so different so sometimes i feel as though I’ve made 2 meals in one. Even then sometimes one person dose not want what’s cooked! At that point it’s like you better find something for yourself or don’t eat! But me I’m eating ha.. I don’t know about you all but normally i make everyone’s plate, the one time i don’t everyone looking crazy like their hands are broke and they don’t know what to do, it’s the funniest thing lol

Funny story, i truly get annoyed when someone changes the tissue but does not put the new roll back on they just leave in on the counter! I walked in the bathroom and was about to tell Troy about himself... i was stopped in my tracks, he was like i did not do that (this time lol) but i remembered earlier i had to run out the bathroom because i heared my eggs cracking .. It was me this time, at that moment i said ohhwee i need a break lol

I need a huge calendar for my fridge to write everything down, I’m always booking something and somehow the days are always overbooked! It’s no ones fault but mine but i still get annoyed! I swear i need an assistant!

Some days i just feel like I’m all over the place and just want some one to ask back “how was your day” “can i help you with something”

Ok thanks for listening to my mommy complaints! Maybe we don’t do it enough, if you need to scream or complain then please do it below it will make you feel better trust me.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Anonymous said...

When I want to scream the most is after dinner when I'm cleaning up the kitchen and everyone is still sitting at the table laughing and shooting the breeze about life. The least you could do is bring me your plate! Not saying they never do because most of the time they do but its those days they don't!!! It would also be nice if they offered to maybe help clean the kitchen :)

MomOhhMy! said...

Oh ma’am I’m with you on that one! They will half rinse the plate and then put it in the sink not the empty dishwasher! When they go up and chill I’m still left to clean after i just cooked and made y’all plates! Every once in a while it would be nice to let everyone else clean after i cooked and made plates!! We should make this a thing at least once a week we cook they clean