A lot of times the support of your household may not be what you need due to them just simply not understanding certain things! Having a supportive circle of women/mothers around you to help you roll with all the punches motherhood gives you will keep you going! The understanding you all share will fully allow you to express what’s been going on in your mind!
There are lot of women around me who support me and also give it to me raw when it comes to advice! I don’t want anyone just telling me what i want to hear so it’s great to hear the honest truth! It’s those uncomfortable situations that help me grow and reflect.
If you go through my texts right now i have a few different group texts each one different in their own rights! All women from different back grounds, in different stages of motherhood, some married, some single but all supportive! In each group there are honest moments, tears laughter and many pictures but never any judgment! I know each of these ladies i can go to for different things and i hope they know the same from me as well..
As much as i would love to talk to Troy about certain things like the stress of spreading my time to all of them he just can not give me the direct answer or conversation i will get from these women lol so sometimes i don’t even bother. Even tho this is one thing i brought up on our date night yesterday! It’s simply because we have different rolls,, just like I’ll never know the struggles of a man so it’s ok!
During my younger days i use to always say “NO NEW FRIENDS” and boy was i wrong about that! Adding new women to your circle does not mean you have to get rid of the old ones. Also in some situations the new women you meet may be more supportive in ways the old ones could not! I feel like it’s good to have different mixtures, you just never know what can come from these friendships! The key to keeping and maintaining these relationships is fully understanding people are in different situations in life, and even though we may not all think the same we can help out in situations that may be new to the other person.
Every other month a group of us try and get together for a ladies night! Each time there’s a different group, everyone tries to bring a new face to join and we really have a great time. It’s fun time away from home, kids and our men lol!! Usually filled with soooo many laughs. This last one we went to a Trap Boxing class, whew we sweated so bad but it was more fun then we expected.
The key is to be around strong women who inspire you to open up your way of thinking, show you how to handle different situations and to share mothering tips because when your around bold strong women there will be no jealousy only praise and support because they want to see you win!!
I use to be the same way " No New Friends" child was I wrong. My new friends have been so influential, one of my closes friends ( more like sisters) I've only known 8 years....not very long considering our age But her honesty and wiliness to call me out on my BS is what brought us close. I'm the type to cut someone off soon as someone does something I don't like or I assume a situation is something without ever asking. she was the first person that didn't allow me to just cut her off and keep it moving. she made me sit down and have an adult conversation, it got intense but we survived and now she's one of Besties!!!! Not to mention the respect I have for her!!
That’s amazing because we never like to hear about ourselves, i think the people around us should always be truthful and never allow us to keep making the same mistakes! I know it was probably awkward but I’m glad you all made it through. Those are true friends right there. And you know you can trust them!!
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